6 Steps to Making Money Online with Infolinks

You’re an ambitious blogger. You have big ideas. And you want to make more money. If this sounds anything like you, than keep reading: You’ll see how to use the power of the Internet to make more money than you’ve ever dreamed of.

Sign up for Infolinks - the must-have monetization solution for every blogger and online publisher.

If you’re already running a blog or a website, or considering starting one, you’re on the right track. A popular site can be an exceptionally profitable venture—the most successful bloggers make seven-figure incomes.

How can a blog be so lucrative? Because the world lives online—more than 3 billion people around the world use the Internet. There’s a smartphone in virtually every pocket according to some sources, by 2020 more than 70% of the world’s population will have one. And people are yearning to be informed, to be entertained, to be amazed. To help reach new customers, successful businesses want to partner with successful publishers. That’s where you come in.

If you haven’t launched your site yet, don’t worry. WordPress, Blogger, Drupal, Joomla and other sites can help you get your site up and running in minutes. Once your site is up and running, use the following six essential steps you can take to make big money with Infolinks, the native-advertising, real-time solution.

1. Get traffic, get paid

You need to attract lots of people to your site to generate real revenue. If you’ve run a site in the past, then you know it takes careful planning to create a loyal following and build up your page views.

Creating great content that people love is the best way to generate interest and excitement about your site. You can create a dedicated following by focusing on a niche.

Pick something that you’re passionate about or have a unique expertise in. Start thinking about what you want to communicate, about what you can do to inform, educate, or entertain your soon-to-be-created following. The first step toward getting paid for running an online site is discovering what you want the world to know.

Once you do, advertising platforms like Infolinks can turn traffic into a consistent revenue stream for your site.

While other advertising solutions are out there, Infolinks is dedicated to publishers with passion and dedication, who aren’t getting the support they need from their advertising partner. Infolinks is different for so many reasons.

To get started today, consider the following:

2. Get Infolinks

Paying cash to more than 150,000 publishers in over 130 countries, Infolinks offers advanced native ads, making it the only must-have monetization solution for every blogger and online publisher.

Infolinks provides effective native advertising in real-time.
  • Intent-based: Smart ads that surface based on user intent
  • Real-time: Delivering relevant ads in milliseconds
  • High-performing: Our ads improve engagement and increase performance
It’s easy to sign up for Infolinks: Just enter your website address, add a snippet of code to your site, and get paid.

Unlike other advertising platforms, Infolinks is open to any online publisher big or small with no setup fees, no minimum page view or visitor requirements, and no hidden commitments.

Here’s what you need to do to get started:
  1. Sign up 
  2. Paste the Infolinks code into your site‘s HTML
  3. Get paid
That’s it. It just takes three steps to start monetizing your content now.

3. Get the right ads

You can build the most amazing site full of compelling content, but if your site isn’t creating a positive revenue flow for you, than you’re probably not achieving your goals.

When it comes to showing relevant ads that your readers and site visitors want to click on, Infolinks offers everything your site needs. A full range of ad formats and keyword options, as an Infolinks publisher you’ll benefit from giving your site visitors useful links.

So your readers get relevant ads with the right content, Infolinks offers a range of native ads, including:
  • InFold: Using the power of search and display to deliver ads at scale across the web
  • InScreen: An interstitial ad delivering relevant content between page views
  • InText: Matching ads to your most valuable keywords, in milliseconds
  • InTag: Featuring the most-valuable ads based on the context of a page
  • InFrame: Optimized for widescreens on unused real estate
To see Infolinks ads in action, watch this informative video now.

4. Get a referral bonus

More money is always a nice incentive. And Infolinks wants to pay you for referring new publishers.

To give you even more incentive to get your blogging buddies involved, Infolinks now offers a new publisher referral program. Ask around among your peers. When you refer a new publisher to Infolinks, you’ll earn 10% bonus based on your referral’s 12-month revenue.

Learn more about the Infolinks referral program 

5. Get more insights

There’s always more to discover and learn. And if you’re ambitious about creating a successful site, then you’re bound to be eager to learn more about how to get even more out of it. The Infolinks blog can help.

On the Infolinks blog, you can find in-depth articles all about mastering content curation, how to make sure your site is secure, how to pitch your brand on social media and how Infolinks empowered female bloggers. It’s all free of charge and available to Infolinks publishers.

6. Get social

One of the most impressive things about Infolinks is the community that’s grown up around it. For tried-and-true answers to any questions, Infolinks has an active following of enthusiastic, helpful bloggers and site owners looking to help each other

You’ll find like-minded Infolinks publishers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram. Check them out today.

What are you waiting for?

There are many ways to try and make money from your blog or site. But you don’t want to waste your time with monetization solutions that don’t generate a reliable revenue stream. While other platforms promise to add dollars to your bank account, Infolinks delivers.

You can be on the way to earning more money from your site with Infolinks in a few moments. Are you ready? All it takes is a click.

IndiBlogger Launches IndiPR.com - A Self-Learning Engine That Targets The Right Publishers

IndiPR - Automated Influencer targeting

Thousands of businesses, products and services are launched everyday across the world. When these products go live, a Press Release (like the one you’re currently reading) is usually the first order of business. Businesses of various sizes, including start-ups, can now have their Press Releases published by relevant influencers in less than 72 hours.

IndiPR.com was built to make it extremely simple for a business to get their Press Releases published by top bloggers.

The Process

All a business has to do is upload their Press Release and the 'Automated Influencer Targeting Engine', or 'AITE' for short, proceeds to accept applications and automatically shortlists bloggers based on various factors including internal ratings and rankings. Once shortlisted, the influencers do their research and publish their articles.

Automated Influencer Targeting Engine

Anoop Johnson, Co-founder & Director of Marketing at IndiBlogger, adds, “With a starting budget of just USD 150, a business of any size will be able to get their press releases published by influential bloggers with a few clicks.”

Not just a PR publishing service

IndiPR.com assists digital marketers with a variety of tasks including, but not limited to, SEO, content marketing, generating awareness and gaining much needed conversations around the product, driven by internet users on influencer platforms like blogs.

One of the main issues that most marketers face when working with influencers is the cumbersome process associated with identifying and targeting each Influencer. Karthik DR, Co-founder & Business Head at IndiBlogger says, "The amount of time that people spend in trying to identify and contact influencers is huge. With IndiPR.com, you don't have to worry about any of this as the system just needs your Press Release. The rest is history!"

In the future, IndiPR.com will carry more than just Press Releases. Influencers will be able to get creative assignments, get invitations to attend the trendiest launch events and be privy to the latest news on the planet before the world wakes up to it.

Renie Ravin, the Founder and CEO of IndiBlogger, says, "We believe that this system will help Influencers with fresh and new content on their site every day. In a way, you could be writing about the next Google without even realising its immense potential."

Link to Indipr.com

Image credits: Indiblogger

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